Training Reinforcement Strategy

In order for our clients to receive the maximum return-on-investment from our programs, we recommend that clients include the Shaun Hopkins Seminars Training Reinforcement strategy with their curriculum. This strategy involves both the participants of the workshops and their sponsoring managers. The strategy is designed to ensure that the training is used on the job by the workshop participants and that the sponsoring managers are held accountable for the training results. Shaun Hopkins Seminars will distribute a Performance Kit to both the workshop participants and their sponsoring mangers. The Performance Kit contains a variety of agendas, worksheets, self-assessments, and action plans to assist in transferring learning to the job.

There are ten steps to the Shaun Hopkins Seminars Training Reinforcement strategy:

  1. Sponsoring managers attend a one-hour Web Conference, approximately 30 days before the training, to learn about the content of the program and how they can support the participants’ learning.
  2. Participants assess their skills by completing a Pre-Course Skills Assessment.
  3. Sponsoring managers assess the skills of their participants using the same assessment.
  4. Sponsoring managers meet with their participants to review the Program Outline and to set objectives for attending the program using the Learning Priorities Plan.
  5. Participants complete a Training Action Plan during the program, detailing the learning that they intend on implementing back on the job.
  6. Sponsoring managers and participants meet immediately after the program to complete a Training Reinforcement Plan, describing how the participants will implement their new skills on the job.
  7. Participants attend a one-hour Web Conference 60 days after the program to report on the implementation of their action plans and to receive additional coaching from the instructor.
  8. Participants re-assess their skills by completing a Post-Course Skills Assessment.
  9. Sponsoring managers re-assess the skills of their participants using the same assessment.
  10. Sponsoring managers attend a one-hour Web Conference, approximately 90 days after the training to report on how their participants have achieved their objectives and become more effective employees/managers as a result of attending the program.